Friday, April 16, 2010

My Marathon: Part IX

As a LA Roadrunner, I was on San Vicente doing training runs numerous times. The San Vicente Urban Obstacle Course became a familiar place, even though storms sometimes eliminated it from our coursework.

Now, I was running the Los Angeles Marathon and I saw that famous island in the middle of the street on the border of Santa Monica and Los Angeles. This time I got to run on the street and not the Urban Obstacle Course of the grassy island with its holes, roots, signs, and other ankle-turning challenges.

Mentally it was great. I knew it was going to be getting easy since the street angles downhill from Los Angeles to Santa Monica. I knew I was close to the end, basically just a 5K. I used to think how odd it was when they would say "Just a 10K"or "Just a 5K"left at the Roadrunners; but, now, I was thinking it!

I felt strong. The pain and agony and all I had heard about and may be feared were not there. I probably felt better than I did early in the race which shocked me!

I was also passing a lot of people easily; I was stunned.

I saw that familiar City of Santa Monica sign and the exclusive houses. I saw the numbers of the streets getting smaller. My pace was getting faster, not slower, which was a nice feeling. My fears of exceeding 20 miles were fading quickly.

I got my last water cup at Mile 24. I was not having problems with dehydration; so, I concluded I could go the rest of the way non-stop. The Roadrunners training had far fewer water stations than the marathon (for comparison, one would be at 26th and San Vicente, one at about Mile 25/Totem Pole, and one at the Casa del Mar Hotel!).

I got my water ... looked up ... there was the sea! The sight I had been waiting a long time for and been thinking about for months.

I had discussed how it would feel during the long runs with my partners. Now, I was living it. I saw Mile 25 Marker and made the turn ...

1 comment:

  1. :-) Hurray!

    The mom from work who ran the marathon felt the same way you did. She said she felt better in the end than in the beginning! Lucky you! It was different for me. The last 5k was the longest in my life.

    Ok, I'm ready for the Big Finale.
