Monday, April 12, 2010

My Marathon: Part VI

Shortly after the cap adjustment and seeing my old work, I hit Mile Marker 18. Being on Santa Monica Boulevard was reassuring because I was quite familiar with it from working in Century City. I think being able to see sights I knew helped especially since it was my first marathon. For example, there is the large Mormon temple and grounds on the north side of the street.

I was feeling pretty good considering I had run a decent distance. Still, I was a bit nervous as this was the zone I had started having trouble with in the lone LA Roadrunners really long run, the 20-Miler. I also was, despite the number of runners and spectators, on my own. I had completely lost contact with my group, my sub-group, ...

So, in a way I did not expect, I went back to the sprinter days, something I had been trying not to do all these months. I started recalling the mantras: Desire. Dedication. Discipline. Determination. How a Friar does not quit. mental strength. I obviously had all the training with the Roadrunners which was great; but, when it came to the mental side, I was back to the core, being a Servite Friar.
It seemed to work!

I passed runners in really serious pain. I felt no need to stop for aid. I remembered to steer clear of the "helpful" fire hydrants and hoses spraying water (our senior pace leader warned wet shoes and long run can yield blisters).

I felt a lot more confident than I expected and I also felt more comfortable than on the 20-Miler. My knee was a little sore; but, I was surviving.

Mile Marker 19 came ... and I was still going and a lot stronger than on the 20-Miler. The streets of Westwood did not seem intimidating. My concern began to erode. Sure enough, here comes Mile Marker 20 ... and I am still functioning.


  1. :-) Despite what your SPL recommended said, I went through one of the water hoses. It was fun!!

    Yep, once I was in Century City I felt closer to home.
    They had an aid station in front of the Mormon church. It smelled like medicine. I could hardly breath.

  2. I think there were 2 or 3 Salon Pas ones ... it reminded me of high school locker room and Ben-Gay!

    A lot of people were going through the hoses and spraying hydrants. I bet if it had been really hot ... there would have been lines and people going in circles! "Wait, I've run 29 miles and the marker says only 22!" "Uh, that is because you ran six miles of circles at the fire hydrant back there."

  3. :-) It was fun!!!

    Maybe that's why I took so long to reach the finish line; maybe I kept going back to the hoses.
