Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week 12: Cruisin' after Thanksgiving

Well, the LA Roadrunners do not stop for holidays; so, I left home home dark and early and despite light showers on the car I just washed, I got home in time for a quick nap before getting up to eat and change for ... the weekly long run. I also did not get much sleep Friday nigth due to leaving early, being home home, and also monitoring Servite's victory in the football playoffs. Once a Friar ... ALWAYS a Friar. The things I do for training for aiming the Los Angeles Marathon.

Despite the earlier light rain, the weather was great. The waves were pounding, slight breeze, and some nice sunshine. I was eager to go despite little sleep and a recurring bout of soreness in my knee. I did have a good feeling as I heard some of my favorite U2 songs on the radio before I left home. I also played my now official theme song for all of this journey.

Soon enough Lucky 7/Magnificent 7 was off, fewer in number than normal; but, still sizable. The group headed north as usual and crossed the Santa Monica Pier; but, we turned back at California Avenue due to the Santa Monica Gobble Wobble run! I actually wanted to do that one; but, it was only 5k/10k and too short for training. This also meant no San Vicente Urban Obstacle Course. It was a bit disappointing as I wanted to see how my body reacted to it after doing the Yorba Linda hillwork Thursday. Still, some things never change and my running partner and I talked McCourts gossip again.

The group was soon enough back at the starting point and then headed deep into Venice, well past the Venice Pier. Having British blood and lots of it, I was glad to see Union Jack Street.

Next came my first excursion as a runner to Marina Del Rey. It was very interesting and pretty. Lots of nice condos and hotels. Nice inlets with water. Amazing yachts and boats. I think I could handle living there.

It did pose some interesting challenges with narrow passages necessitating single file running and even stoppages due to oncoming runners/walkers. Also, there was some car dodging.

The group wound through sidestreets and along the yacht anchorages until reaching the Marina Del Rey Marriott and then the library and the turnaround point. Soon, it was back along the same passageways and back to the basecamp at Venice.

I was really happy as I now hold the family record for distance as well as having completed an unofficial half marathon. The group ran 14.2 miles at a 11:58 clip in 2:49. Not bad for a post-Thanksgiving Day cruise.

For me personally it was good as my knee while bothersome did not become beyond use and although I could feel the lactic acid, I was able to keep going and keep with the group, talk, etc. I did use the GU Chomps again during the run to keep my energy level intact.

After stretching Alan the senior pace leader was great and brought out muffins and orange juice for a belated celebration of his birthday as well as Thanksgiving. Then I went to the school for the traditional Gatorade and bananas and even extra bananas as there were lots left over due to people off on holiday.

All in all, it was a good day. I ran and kept up despite some physical obstacles. I like my group. I hope when the pace quickens I will still be alright with it; but, right now, I am and I am doing my midweek running.


  1. You drove all the way from OC, hardly got some sleep and still ran the 14 miles? Wow! (Not to mention waking up at 4 am on a daily basis and never missing a training day... Wow!)

    That's amazing!

    If anyone is finishing the marathon that's certainly going to be you!!! Hurray!!!

  2. I hope so ... If I do not amke it, that is going to be a real depressing thought.
