Monday, November 23, 2009

A Wobble and It's Not Even Thanksgiving

I have run the last two days for the Roadrunners program, opting to take Tuesday as a day off from running. It has been a bit challenging.

Sunday I got up dark and early as usual and just felt listless. I still set out and six minutes in the electronic conscience that is the Garmin 305, started giving a low battery warning and soon upped and quit. So, I was back to the Stone Age of using a wristwatch. My knee was also acting up a bit and there was still some soreness from the almost 13 miler. I still managed to do the assigned 30 minutes; but, it felt more like a survival run than a thrive run.

Monday was a bit better, though my knee was acting up again. I ran up and down the Pico Neighborhood for 3.26 miles in 40:04, a tad slow at 12:18 pace. Still, I was going and with some better luck at traffic lights, I think I could have had a better time.

So, it has been a tad challenging and frustrating the last two days to not be doing and feeling better; but, a marathon is indeed a marathon and not a sprint. I still hope and plan to finish the Los Angeles Marathon on March 21, just may be hoping for a few less days like these.


  1. Now, now... it's just a phase that you're going through. You should be ok by March 21.

    I was feeling awful about a month ago, but now I feel great!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    See you Sat. for the big 14 miles run.


  2. Thanks ...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Yes, 14 ... woo hoo.
