Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to the Dark Side

This week is another cut back week for the LA Roadrunners, which means a bit less and easier training for the Los Angeles Marathon.

I decided to run this morning in lieu of Tuesday again due to work; so, back out into the darkness! Ah, the sweet comfort of staggering along hoping not to fall over dodgy sidewalks.

I felt a bit better than Sunday; but, still some residual soreness. I did make up for a slow start and some knee pain as the run went on and even got some hillwork in to boot.

Today yielded 2.58 miles in 30:55 for a 11:57 pace.

It still feels odd to be running this aerobic (a.k.a. slow) pace as well as the long-distance way of running (not on the balls of the feet). It is so very different from track where I could feel the power and basically accelerate and know it. This feels more laborious; but, it is supposed to help with endurance, which is obviously key. I am hoping two days off consecutively will give my legs a bit of a break and refresh them as this is basically the 1/2 way point of this journey. Hopefully, the best is yet to come.


  1. I love cutback weeks. I'm considering doing it on my own, just so I don't have to wake up at 6am!

  2. Hello!

    How are you feeling today? I am still sore and its already Wed.

    I agree. This aerobic pace is so slow that I feel like walking instead (I walk faster) Let's trust the coaches.

    Good luck this Saturday.
