Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back At It

Wednesday morning was time for another run in the LA Roadrunners' schedule to try to get everyone ready for the Los Angeles Marathon.

I am still looking for a sleep-energy solution, alas. On the other hand, I was a bit surprised not to wake up to the forecasted rain.

I set out dark and early on route M1, this time following the schedule and emphasizing the hills.

My knee has been acting up the last few days and it was no exception this time unfortunately.

I decided this time to keep to the plan and include the hills; the difference was this time I went up and down each one twice.

My times and pace were off target and not helped by traffic lights (I was doing the dreaded make-little-circles approach to them while waiting for the crossing light).

My knee was acting up; but, I did feel better than Monday's run mentally and overall physically. I was not back to the "Hey, this is fun" level; but, it was better than Monday's, "Just finish the bloody thing" level.

Considering my knee, the lights and the extra hillwork, the times were not great or good; but, they could have been much worse. I got back to get to the ice pack.

I am taking a bit of comfort knowing I seem to run better with a LOT of time to get loose versus the standard morning runs of "Ready, go" and also being with a group, as well as in the daylight, seems to help. I also feel a solution for the food/sleep mix will be a big plus.

1:00.14 of running
4.98 miles (so close ...)
12:05 pace :-(


  1. Some days are not fun... but you did it!!!

    Yes, we seem to do better with the group; and that's impressive in me since I don't like big groups of people; make me nervous.

    Please solve the food/sleep dilemma. Last time I ran in the morning without eating anything, I felt like I was about to faint. You don't want that at 4 a.m.

  2. May be it is positive peer pressure or just knowing you're not the only lunatic running in the rain? (It was so fun on that last rain run ... especially when we'd meet another group).

    I'm working on it ... may be I can hypnotize myself to sleep and eat at the same time?
