Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 24: Rain, Rain Went Away ... Then a Dog Did Play

Saturday came and it meant another long run with the LA Roadrunners. This time it was a relatively short 10 miles (that is just incredible to write ... 10 miles in May would have been a tad long). I am still working to complete the Los Angeles Marathon.

It had been raining Friday night and rain was forecast for Saturday; I had brought along the always fashionable trash bag as well as my windbreaker. It turns out I did not need them! It was gorgeous.

Group 7 has been getting smaller and this time it was only 41 strong (vs. 75-80 a few months ago).

Because of the forecast rain and the already likely existing mud on the San Vicente Urban Obstacle Course, we headed south. My partner this time was the fellow Knight of Columbus, Danny, who was back with the group after a few weeks.

It was kind of a lackluster run; I think part of it is the early energy dissipated in Venice's quiet zones. The group was basically moving along without too much change. We cleared Venice and entered the now familiar environs of Marina del Rey, including the single file passageways.

As we neared the turnaround point, it got a bit crowded with other Roadrunner groups to and fro as well as the dreaded LA Leggers. Still, things were pretty smooth. I was running decently and my knee was not bad at all.

Also, the group was not losing people like last week. It was a bit cooler, though sunny, which helped. The group stayed quite together and intact.

The group was heading back home at last. We were on the Venice Strand when my partner killing talents reappeared.

As we passed a many with a large dog, the dog bolted ... and upended my partner, who ended up on the ground. The dog's owner was frankly a jerk as well as irresponsible, hurling a bunch of "colorful" language at us (hmmm, the law says owner must control and LEASH dog). I thought he might even want to have a go; so, I was semi-preparing myself. My partner did make it back to his feet and finished along with the group. Yeah! No serious damage thankfully.

We made it back and did the usual stretching. Our senior pace leader then said we looked good. He also started providing more information on parking and the shuttle. Finally, he went into next week's run ... He provides a lot of information.

Afterwards, it was off to the land of bananas and Gatorade. I changed shirts (I had sweated up my Roadrunners one a lot for some reason) to SERVITE black. I got my icepack on and then went to reload.

I also met a loyal reader in person ... and then got called away. Alas.

1:55.08 of running
10:43 pace (dog attack slowed Group 7)
10.74 miles ... .74 extra!


  1. Is Danny the really tall guy who is wearing black in that picture that you guys took at Dodger's Stadium?

    If that dog did that to him... then I don't want to think what the dog might have done to me. I'd probably be dead now. (I once got ran over by a black dog when I was 5.... hahahaha!)

    What do you mean the "dreaded LA Leggers?" But... they are so nice. I'm always waving at them and saying hi.

    Well, it sounds like you had a great run! Congratulations!!!!
    Your knee seems to be doing better too. Don't mess it up now. You have to be in top shape for the "minor run" on Saturday.

  2. Yes, Danny is the tall guy.

    Dreaded LA Leggers is kind of sarcastic comment. With them, some are friendly and some I think want to kill us. (They do have nice waterstops though ... they get food!).

    We're running Saturday?

  3. Yes, we're running Sat. but it's a minor... minor run. Nothing to worry about.

    Yes, I knew you were being sarcastic.
    Does your group have more guys than girls? I'm asking because my current group seems to have more girls. Maybe that's why the LA Leggers wave at us. Maybe we look less threatening.
