Monday, February 8, 2010

Not So Super Sunday

Sunday was not only the day for the Super Bowl, it was another training day for the LA Roadrunners. This time a 30-minute shakedown run following the 14 mile excursion Saturday.

I was a bit pleased that it was not raining, despite the forecast; I like the rain and all, but it does make running in the pre-dawn harder.

I set out and headed past a 24-hour doughnut shop where a few patrons were getting an early start on the non-healthy food for the day. Somehow doughnuts did not make the training manual.

My calves and quads quickly felt heavy yet again. I may need to eat more protein (well, the nutritionist speaker the day before had said protein helps with muscle recovery). Also, the damaged nail/toe was a bit dodgy. This all led to me slowing right down unfortunately.

I did my time (geez, it makes running seem like prison); but, I was not running well. I was just in survival mode again.

I did make it home; but, I did not have fun and started thinking of ways to make this better. Then, soon I was facing a class of CCD kids ... at which point I wished I was running! Still, not quite the image that will grace a cover of a running magazine.

13:58 pace ... ugh
2.28 miles


  1. At least you went out to train.

    My excuse for not doing anything on Sunday was "I'm too sore." What if I'm sore on March 21? Does that mean I won't want to move a finger on that day?

    You on the other hand never miss a day of training. As a result, you'll do great on March 21. (That date is giving me nightmares now.)

  2. Well, the schedule basically has us doing hardly any training the week before the race; so, you will be feeling fresh and ready to go.

    I think the schedule they give us is built for being sore/injured. The flow charts say have you completed 80% of the midweek runs (not 100%)? Also, they claim you can train to run for a marathon in 30 and 90 days ... but, those require basically everythign going perfectly ... and that always happens right?
