Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well, a bit better

Sunday is a recovery day run ... or for me, a recovery pre-dawn run for the LA Roadrunners.

I felt surprisingly good Saturday and no pain afterwards. I did lot of things at church after getting cleaned up and eating. I also downed a lot of Gatorade G2 and hoped for the best, even on a very short night of sleep (3.75 hours).

I got up and my knee was sore; but, I got going and soon found my quads were sore and my calves a little sore. It was disappointing as I was hoping for better. I slowed down and just took the attitude of make it a shakedown, loosen the legs mission.

I headed to the Santa Monica Airport and environs. It was a nice morning and the quiet was nice, especially before facing a class of kids! Rather than really push it, I opted to just try and make a bit of calm and motion out of it.

I turned back and headed for home still seeking a solution to the quads and calves and soreness. I also decided the not wearing a brace on my knee experiment was still not successful.

Still, I got out and did it. Judging from the Group 7 emails, that is better than quite a few as we have a lot of injured runners now. Also, as less than stunning as my time was, it was better than last week!

32:02 of running
2.34 miles
13:43 pace (ouch)


  1. But, Mr. M, you run 16 miles yesterday --in a hot day!

    There's been days when I can't move on Sunday, much less run; and you did it! See... you're doing great!!!

  2. ran... not run
    you ran 16 miles...

    English is so difficult

  3. Si, la idioma de ingles es dificil; pero, espanol ... hijole.

  4. Mr M:

    "El idioma"... not la idioma...
    (told you not to be fooled by the last vowel)

  5. Aye, este es muy dificil. Prefiero ingles!
