Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting Ready

This morning I headed off for Dodger Stadium and the running expo to get set for the Los Angeles Marathon. On the way there, I listened to the soundtrack for my favorite movie, "Chariots of Fire."

It was a little confusing; but, I got sorted out. As mentioned by my pace leader, the bib has some wrong information ... seems I am now 68 years old. Still a male though!

The show was interesting. Lots of people. Lots of displays. Lots of free samples. Lots of other races. I did win a free meal at Rubios! Yeah. I did see Frank McCourt as well as they were doing a 5K and then a children's race.

I saw the NPN Nutrition guy who comes to the LA Roadrunners.

Kind of nice was I saw my senior pace leader ... and he was nice and encouraging as usual.

I wore my Servite shirt and ran into a few of the family.

On the way back, I passed Marathon Street! I also saw a nice Dodgers billboard saying Good Luck! Excellent.

Then it was the theme song all the way home ...

1 comment:

  1. :)
    This is toooo funny. I didn't know you were that old. I, on the other hand, am a youthful runner just fresh out of high school. I'm 19 years old.

    Congratulations on your Rubio's win. I'm saving the coupon that came in the goodies bag for you.
