Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, it was the day after the Dodger Stadium Hill Training II ... and the LA Roadruners schedule called for 30 minutes of "walk/jog." That was a new one ... so, I was a bit perplexed as to what to do.

So, I decided to set out in the evening. I had decided since my knee was a little sore driving home form Dodger Stadium that I should take the extra sleep and rest time Sunday morning and go out at night after finishing church tasks.

Out I went ... I felt pretty good, in fact the best I have felt on a Sunday run in weeks or may be months. I looked down at my Garmin and saw I was indeed doing well ... almost LT time ... and thought I better ease the throttle back if this is supposed to be a walk/jog.

I headed down towards Clover Park and did a lap as well hitting the neighboring streets around Santa Monica Airport and the Pico Neighborhood. I was able to focus on the scenery and seeing which business was gone this week, kind of the sad economic reality game. Physically I felt comfortable and relaxed, which was a nice feeling indeed.

My calves did get a little sore and my knee was a bit more tender than at the start; but, overall it was a decent run.

I got my work in and may be more importantly at this point got a good mental feeling.

34:36 of running ... a bit over
2.92 miles
11:51 pace ... there we go


  1. That was a great pace!

    I'm so happy that you're feeling much better both physically and mentally. And I'm even happier that all of these is happening a few days before the marathon. The first marathon should be a fun experience!!!

    Yes, I look for stores that have gone out of business on my way to work. There's a LOT in Westwood. It makes me sad.

  2. Now to just keep it up ...

    There are quite a few Group 7 emails about injuries right now ... oh, oh.

    Yes, the recession is all too present with the stores, people I know, my old job ...
