Monday, January 25, 2010

If at first you don't succeed ...

This week is a cutback week for the LA Roadrunners. Less running, less frequency, ...

I was disappointed from last night's run; so, I thought I would use the "get on the horse again" approach and go out in the morning (Plus, with rain due Tuesday and and facing aftereffects of a cold, I think this time dry is the better option, even if it is less fun).

I set out on the 30-minute run dark and early and realized how nice So Cal can be after a storm (or series of storms this time). The air was fresh. The sky was so clear. It was nice.

Unfortunately, my legs were not quite as thrilled. They still felt really heavy. I am not sure why. The quads and calves both did; it was more workout soreness than pain, but still it was a bit surprising.

It was better than Sunday night; but, the sleep overnight had not solved it all unfortunately. I reverted back to the, "Well, at least try to finish" method. I plugged away and headed down to Ocean Park Avenue again.

I got around the course alright; but, I could not get my body to respond when I wanted some acceleration. it was like a cartoon where the characters are loading the engine with coal and it is shaking violently and making loads of noise only to have a tiny puff of smoke come out at the end.

I am thinking this cutback week is coming at a very good time for me as it seems I need some recovery time, plus time for the battle damage from Dog Pre-Dawn and my knee to heal up a bit. I have until Thursday for some rest and I think it should help (I HOPE IT HELPS!).

I am kind of disappointed as I really felt good Saturday; but, the aftermath has not been good. It is a challenge for sure. All the Roadrunners are getting to crunch time. Some are injured. Some are tired. It is make or break time.

2.60 miles
30:59 minutes of running time
11.50 pace ... Doh (but, over a minute faster than yesterday at least)


  1. I have been meaning to ask you about your ankle and back; are you doing better?

    Mr. M... sometimes I wonder how in the world you can do it. I have a little pain in the knee and I want to quit, but you... you just keep going despite everything. Is it possible to borrow some of your energy/commitment/resilience, etc. etc?

  2. You'll be fine. if you can handle scores of kids everyday, 26.2 is nothing! :-)

    Seriously, I think it's just the Wigan and Albertan blood in me (we're kind of the outcasts and have to work harder than everyone else) and the way they had us operate in high school and the dark old sprinting days.
