Thursday, January 7, 2010

Intervals ...

The LA Roadrunners training program for the Los Angeles Marathon entered a new phase, Phase 5, with a goal of building intensity. With it came a new mid-week workout, intervals!

So, needing somewhere to run the new sets I headed to Clover Park in Santa Monica, my original running ground back in May.

Intervals mean running hard for a set time and then taking a break/moving slower and then back to the hard running and so forth. This one called for 6 intervals of 6:30 of hard running with 3:30 breaks of walking/jogging in between the runs.

I was a bit leery with my knee and also tired from work; but, off I started. I kind of messed up the first one and really got going for about two minutes (the sprinter mentality was back) and slowed way up at the end.

After, I felt a bit dehydrated and decided I would get some water after every run as well.

It kept going on and on; I felt o.k.; but, not great. It was kind of odd running at night (as opposed to the dark and early pre-dawn); but, the star-filled sky was nice as was having a semi-track to use, even if it was concrete.

My knee was a bit troublesome on the way to the park; but, it was better while running. I think there are some factors working: endorphins and adrenaline kicking in, ligaments warming up, and just I like running. It is still nowhere near 100%; but, it was o.k. I also took two Aleves as recommended before setting out; but, now think, may be i need to take them say an hour early to get in the system.

I finished my set. I did feel a bit tired; I think the injury-week of rest hurt a little plus work. Overall, I would have liked to run a bit faster; but. I will take it at this point.

Round 1: 6:32 9.17 pace 0.7 miles
Round 2: 6:31 9.27 pace 0.7 miles
Round 3: 6:32 9.44 pace 0.67 miles
Round 4: 6.33 9.46 pace 0.67 miles
Round 5: 6:35 9.43 pace 0.68 miles
Round 6: 6:42 9.42 pace 0.69 miles

I was happy it got consistent on Rounds 3-6; I just want to raise the speed a bit, which I think knee improving would allow for (I hope!). It was a bit fun feeling a tad faster than normal, even if these times would have horrified me in school.


  1. I'm glad your knee felt better while running. Are you still using the brace? Mmmm... better take that medicine an hour earlier. Is your knee swollen, by the way?~~ Just wondering.

    Mr. M, your commitment and hard training is really making us, lazy folk, feel quite embarrassed. Those numbers are great!

  2. Thanks.

    Ues, I wore the brace. Can it take 10 miles or 20 or 26? I don't know ... yet.

    I don't think anyone in Roadrunners is lazy! We're there at 07:00 Saturday mornings!

  3. Well, I feel lazy most of the times. :)
