Monday, January 18, 2010

Was this run all wet?

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and as well as marking progress in civil rights, it was also a much needed work holiday.

So, I slept in a little and then set out for a training run in the light!

The LA Roadrunners schedule called for 45 minutes; so, I set out and decided to go to Clover Park. There was also some light rain; so, I was in my windbreaker and cap. The pace leaders have been firm to run regardless of conditions as no one knows what the weather will be like for the Los Angeles Marathon. I like the rain anyways, be it for running or mud soccer!

Early on, I felt pretty good and my pace was better than the target, which surprised me, even with stop/starts at traffic lights, etc.

Once at the park, I began doing laps; but, with the rain, I stayed on the concrete and off the muddy grass. I began to feel different. My calves began feeling a bit sore and I just felt a bit drained. My knee was a little sore; but, better than prior weeks.

I kept going, though, through a basically deserted park. A little rain and life ends on a holiday?

Soon enough, the rain was becoming heavier. My times were also worsening. I was trying to accelerate and the response just was not coming.

I then headed for home and completed the run.

It was a disappointment; but, at least I did it. Heck, in April this would not have happened.

50:16 of running
11:19 pace (well, that is better than the aerobic training times at least)
4.44 miles of fun in the rain

Interestingly, when I made it home and switched on the radio, the station was running an ad to sign up for some big event ... the Los Angeles Marathon!


  1. YES!!! On my run this Sunday I couldn't find my iPod so I took a radio instead. Suddenly, I heard an ad for the LA Marathon. I didn't smile, though, I was in pain.

    I also got a change to hear that radio station 939 -the one that plays a marathon of songs. Good station. It has lots of 80's music. I was singing stuff I haven't heard in ages.

    Mr. M, you're doing an excellent job! Your training is never a disappointment. Next time you say that I will whack you in the head with the Medal of Power!

  2. I will have to try listening to 93.9 then. I tend not to listen during runs as wary of becoming a hood ornament, dog food, etc.

    Guess I just think how it was back in the Stone Age with track times and it's liek "This sucks ..." or if I feel sore or if I am not hitting the target times ... I have to try to find the positives, even on the not quite perfect runs.

    The Medal of Power also whacks ... not just blinds? Dang. I thought it was just the Maathon one that would whack.

  3. Mr. M: don't feel bad when you don't hit the perfect times/distances. What counts is that, regardless of how you feel or what the weather is like, you always go out to train. As a result, you will be more than ready when the big day comes.

    Stone Age... I didn't know you were that old.

    Mmm... if I cannot use the 13.1 medal to whack you then I'll tell your SPL to bench you or give you time out.
