Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Is His Head on Fire and Back Home

Monday, I was back home and having taken an extra hour of precious sleep in the morning decided to run at night for the LA Roadrunners program. So, I took my Aleves and headed out to Clover Park and the roads by Santa Monica Airport.

My knee was a bit dodgy; but, alright as I began and soon I was on the Donald Douglas Loop North. I skipped the hills to give my knee a break.

On reaching the park, I loaded up with some water and then started doing laps. I was doing decent, but not great. My knee was a bit bothersome; but, it was not painful. Still, I was off the pace I wanted. On the other hand, I was running!

By the end of the 45 minutes, I had built up a good lather and as can happen in less warm temperatures (note NOT cold), essentially steam vapors started coming off my head, prompting one child rather loudly to ask his mother, "Is that man's head on fire?" Well, no, it has happened before in sports.

I stretched a bit and then started to walk home to cool down. I was soon reminded that I was not in Running Springs anymore. First, I had a presumably mentally ill bicyclist (or may be he was on drugs) say some rather interesting things, many being profane, at me. Then, right in front of my apartment ... a younger man seated on the curb, which is nothing unusual ... except he was in handcuffs and was accompanied by four Santa Monica Police Department police cars, two being K-9 units.

Welcome Home.

I hope somehow this is just another experience in making it to the finish of the Los Angeles Marathon on March 21. Otherwise, I am going to be overwhelmed.

45:53 minutes of fun for 4.21 miles at a 10:55 pace (target was 10:30 ... but, I did have some traffic light stops, plus knee, being post-retreat tired and a cold. have to stop making bloody excuses and just perform better!).


  1. This is too funny! Head on fire... :)
    Please don't make me laugh; my body aches when I laugh.

    OH! Sorry about those episodes during your training. But, just think that when you get the Medal of Power you can whack bicyclists who get in your way.

    Yes, you did it! A 10:55 pace is great!

    And... you NEVER miss a day of training so don't say you make excuses because you DON"T! So there!

  2. Actually, the steaming head looks cool (well to me) ... I need to get it filmed or at least photographed sometime.

    I guess all the adventures make the whole process more interesting ... well, I hope they do!

  3. Please... get it photographed! I've never seen that special effect before.

    It's the adventures that make everything exciting!

  4. Hmmm ... I need the right conditions, camera, and then to convince someone to take a photo of the crazy guy with burning head ... this could take some time. :-(
