Sunday, January 17, 2010


This was another week for the LA Roadrunners long run training.

Due to the week's encounter with a dog, plus ongoing knee issues, and not doing last week's run too well; I was nervous. I checked my ankle and it had a lot of bruises; but, there was no real swelling.

I arrived quite early and did what they had told us before not to ... STRETCH! I wanted my leg to be loose. I had also used some of the old Servite track hell week tactics to get ready ... music and all.

My group was a lot smaller this week, may be 50, vs. the usual 70. My normal partner was also missing. He had said he was trying Group 6 the week before; but, I never saw him. Sad as it makes it more fun ... I wanted to talk to him about USC's debacles, etc.

We set off and my leg was a little sore; but, I kept up as we headed north to the Santa Monica Pier. I was towards the back of my group in case I needed to split off; before we started, I explained my situation and the pace leader said go for it anyways. I did see my friend from church and we exchanged hand signals as usual.

My partner went off towards the restrooms a second time and that was that ... my partner killer reputation had been enhanced!

I was doing alright and becoming a bit relieved. I did check the Garmin 305 though to see mileage slowly ticking upwards.

Soon enough we were at the Totem Pole! Wow. Then, it was off to Adelaide and then onto the San Vicente urban obstacle course! I felt a little soreness in my knee; but, it was definitely manageable. In my mind I was relying on the old Servite mind tricks ... One was from hellweek's group work when we had to run and stay as a group. I was one of the guys designated to enforce that the group stayed intact, which usually led to, "Hold the Line!" Well, I silently kept saying to myself, "Hold the Line!"

We reached the turnaround at 21st Street and more water. I saw our on-the-disabled-list senior pace leader. The trip back was uneventful, thankfully. Eventually we reached the Santa Monica Pier and got a great view as the sun finally broke out and shined over the Pacific Ocean. Then, it was back to the Strand and home! Actually, some people fell out of the line.

In reality, it was a normal run for the Roadrunners.

For me thought, it was big. I had completed 11 miles at race pace despite it all. It felt good after the struggles.

Our senior pace leader was also happy as he said Group 7 was going out and coming back intact and together; other groups were quite spread apart and ragged.

So, it was a good run. I felt like there was progress. My knee did hurt later in the day; but, I got the ice on it.

11:05 pace (including water stops; they said without the stops, we were right on race pace!)
10.99 miles ... so close!

This one felt like a big step in making it to the Los Angeles Marathon!


  1. ¡Felicidades!!!

    See... you were worried for nothing. Everything turned out great!
    I'm really glad you successfully completed this run. From here forward everything will be fantastic.

    The Run/Walk groups should hire you to hold the line. We're not very *cough*cough* organized. That reminds me, the kiddies in Rm. 9 cannot hold the line either. We're a mess. I'm embarrassed!

    Otherwise, Congratulations!

  2. I see the run/walk groups and they seem to have more fun though! Many seem to be enjoying themselves.

    The really fast groups seem to have 0% fun ... Group 8 (my old one) was a bit more fun than 7 I have to admit.

    Back in the day, it mean extra work as I would be out front and have to cut back like a sheepdog and "encourage"/threaten/push the stragglers. The coaches wanted us to be leaders and also work as a team ...
